Monday, August 03, 2009

Creatures of habit

I've noticed when the foursome is not piling together in a spot at camp, they have their individual favorite places....

Rosie hangs on the sofa, worrying about whatever is coming up next.... Chloe sleeps in the chair, not worried about anything.....

Marty hangs out on the loveseat in the screen room.......
and Zoey sits in the chair on the porch, resting in strange positions......


Libby's Library said...

They are just so darn cute, I could eat them up!

I'll send you George's measurements soon. I finally got his outfit ordered!

C.l.o.v.e.r. said...

Hehe, they are so cute! And I love the new header too!

Anonymous said...

All the different personalities!

The Devil Dog said...

That is so cute. They are all so individual. I love it.


Mia said...

So sweet!! Lilo's dress fits great!!! I'm working on getting her to wear the hat without a fuss!!! She is going to wear it for the KPR fundraiser on Saturday. I will send pictures!!!

kristie said...

isnt' it funny how they are such creatures of habit? our 4 cats are the same way about favorite seats and toys.


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