Wednesday, August 05, 2009


I'm not big into counting the days until something is happening. I hate to "count" my life away...
But this Fall we have a lot coming up, so as I was looking at the calendar, I started counting the big stuff I have coming up....

38 days until son's wedding
41 days until our 30th anniversay....holy crap, 30 years??????
46 days until Pugstock - Peace, Love and Pugs!
51 days until trip to Green Mountain Pug Social.
6 days until Bloggy Meetup! - you know you want to come!!!! OPPS BIG MISTAKE, this is actually 66 days away!!! Thanks for bringing it to my attention Norman's Woman!!!!

may as well say it....

142 days until Christmas


Rosie said...

I always say that I hate to wish my life way (i.e. I wish it were Saturday) but it is nice to have big events to look forward to and plan for and Weddings and Anniversaries are certainly those big events - and vacations LOL

Archie and Melissa said...

hi punchy!
what a great post and so many wonderful things to look forward to. i love your list!

Mia said...

Its not wishing your life away when you are looking forward to some many wonderful things!!!

Goodboy Norman Featherstone said...

I hope it's not 6 days to blogger meet up, because I don't plan to be there this time next week. LOL!

kristie said...

yes, it's sad to wish our lives away but i find myself doing it all.the.time. thanks for the reminder about christmas...i had a nightmare just the other night that it was after thanksgiving and i'd forgotten to decorate the house for christmas!

C.l.o.v.e.r. said...

I like having countdowns to fun things!!
66 days?! That is really soon - exciting!

Anonymous said...

I guess I should start my christmas shopping then.. huh?

♥Lisa and The Pug Posse ♥ said...

I will see you in September with my Pug Posse!!!!

AM said...

Ha! I love the Christmas countdown too. I cant think that far ahead right now. I did order Emma's halloween costume already, so we are ready for Halloween!


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