Last night I went to the lake after work to help P put up our new shed. I can't really say I was much help, although I did some. We grilled a late dinner and then went to bed. I woke up around 5am this morning and couldn't get back to sleep knowing I had to be on the road home by 7:30am. I mad P a nice breakfast and he took to working on the shed and I left with the Pugs for home. This is how the shed looked last night. We did finish the flooring before turning in.
I drove home, changed, and drove to the salon to train the girl who is working there for the summer. I left there at noon, back home, made a salad, packed up the Pugs and off to meetup we went . Today's meetup was actually a "pugnic". I got there around 1:15 pm and didn't get back home until almost 6pm. The pugs are pooped. P worked all day on the shed and at 4pm sent me this picture....

He even got the roof shingles on! He has a window to put in the side, but will do that later this week. I'm sure we'll fill that up real quick! Seems he did okay without my help! He went fishing and I did laundry and went outside to garden until dark. I've had a nice bath and folded and put away 2 loads of laundry. As soon as my quilt dries I'm off to bed to rest-up for tomarrow.
Tomarrow's activities include: Brunch, a horse racetrack, and slot machines...stay tuned.
He did a great job! That is so nice that you get to put up a shed there. You could get him to make you one for your crafts and have two windows and a skylight and you can just do your thing up at the camp!
Wow...We need one of those sheds for our camp too! I willhave to show this to Brad....LOL
How far is your new camp from your home? is it closer than your old one?
Hummmm.......Horse track...slot machines..... Brunch?????? Sound like you are going to have some BIRTHDAY fun!
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