I have talked before about some houses up my street being sold and taken down for a new hotel that is being built. Now the houses were not really in the way, but of course it presents a much nicer front to have a grassed lawn. Plus, with no neighbors, no set-back rules to have to follow in that area! The houses have been vacant for over a year now. Sad reminders of neighbor once there and now gone. Having lived most of my youth on this street, and now living here again for the past 20 years as an adult, their emptiness has grown on me. I thought I had gotten used to seeing no lights on, no cars in the driveways....but Monday they started tearing them down. When I drove home on Monday afternoon, my best friend's house was gone and her sweet daddy and mama were standing in the yard watching. Her daddy is in his late 80's her mama in her 70's. My own daddy cleared the land for this house on his parent's tractor back in the 50's. It nearly broke my heart....then a house away I saw dear H leaning on his cane under the flowering tree. H also had lived in this neighborhood since the early 50's in his house. He welcomed 2 sons into that house and was a wonderful neighbor. His wife passed away 2 years ago and he took care of her the last years of her illness in that house, and he stood and waited to watch those memories go down in a heap. I tell you I couldn't even stop to say hello. I imagined myself old, hearing the voices of my family echo in those falling walls and I cried.
Tuesday morning I drove by and stopped to take a couple quick shots......

and Tuesday after work it all looked like this......

I think if progress knocks on my door and wants to suck my house down too I won't watch. I won't be able to. Instead I'll move away and in my mind pretend it's all still there....waiting.
So sad!
Development, Progress... it's all around us. I like your idea to move away and remember things as they were.
That is sad. I sure hope they don't take those beautiful trees down, too. I would think it would be hard to stand there and watch it happen, but I don't know. I wonder if those families took a piece of it with them after it came down. I know when the hurricanes hit here, houses will be washed away with nothing left and everything in them gone in a matter of hours. It's so strange to go by somewhere and a house is gone.
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