Sunday, December 28, 2008

Puppymill -opps I mean commerical breeder closing....

Many of you know I work with a group that fundraises for Pugs and Pug Rescue. Recently a breeder closed shop and 52 Pugs needed to be saved! Yep, that's right 52! No easy task for sure. Several of the females were pregnant too. 3 groups that cover parts of NYState took these sweeties in last week. Of course taking in that number of Pugs when there are already those in rescue...still a sad, sad, thing. If you or someone you know is looking to adopt, please consider visiting.

Click on Green Mountain Pug Rescue to read about the rescue and go to the available Pugs link to see those currently seeking homes. Many are now available for "out of area" adoptions. You still need to fill out adoption forms and have home check. If you are someone I know through blogging or personally, I have been given permission to assist with this. Some of those babies waiting for homes are from the transport I did in August! You all know I'd take another, but P says NO. He won't even let me foster as he knows any Pug that comes through these doors...stays....

A few of the faces....


Eduardo said...

Poor babies! Mommy tries to talk Daddy into getting another doggie but Daddy says not yet. I hope they all find great homes!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle

♥Lisa and The Pug Posse ♥ said...

I am so glad I have GMPR apart of my family...and was and able to rescue 2 Pugs from GMPR and donate to help needy pugs. I am so glad you are involed with the GMPR team...such wonderful people. I have a friend who is looking into adoption one of the Pugs you have listed...still waiting to hear to see if she got her yet or not!

Punchbugpug said...

I hope your friend is able to adopt!

Sandy said...

Oh my goodness...I would love to love on those need pugs. It's been wild here with six pugs for several days now. The husband here won't let me foster because of the same reason. The word verification made me listen and type the's really weird!

Libby's Library said...

Oh my - if I lived anywhere near you, I'd be scooping up those pugs and loading them into my car! I was envolved in a pug rescue group "back home" but don't know of any in my area. I wish you all the very best in finding forever homes for those sweet 4 legged children!

Too Cute Pugs said...

Oh, gosh, it just breaks my heart. :o(

But thank goodness for people like you and GMPR. I'm going to go and look at the web site but the hubbie says no more puggies for us. However, I will keep it in mind and let other people know about it.

Thanks for passing this along!

The Devil Dog said...

Oh my. We are so happy you were able to save 52 puggies. We do hope that all those pugs find loving homes.


Frances Louise said...

You are an angel for helping with the pug rescue. I had asked for a sibling, but I think my parents got mixed up -- they gave me a human sibling instead of a puggy one. Sheesh!

Becky said...

Oh those faces makes me want them all too. They have so much love to give and I know they will all find wonderful homes. My daugthter is wanting another pug. I don't think Fuji, the queen bee pug around here could take it. She is the boss. Happy New Year to you and your pugs!!

Jessica said...

Goodness if I lived closer I would so get a little baby girl. The boys would love a sister and I would love a daughter to buy all pink for! ha :)

Puglette said...

oh my! is WA too far away?
hugs to you and your family for letting everyone know about these babies. we will keep them in our prayers.


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