I treated myself to a couple of wins on ebay....

A friend and I drove 3 hours to meet a family giving up their Pug. He was awesome!!!! I had been speaking with his owners for a couple of weeks and we found him a wonderful new home. I really wanted him...like you know I want them all!!! P said...keep driving.....
Isn't he the cutest???!!!!!

We traveled to some friend's from camp and met up with 2 other couples for Mexican!
I had two of these......
S is a crazy guy, as you can see.
We all stayed overnight at their house and had a lot of laughs. They live in a very woodsy area and it was SO quiet.

R is temporarily home with his BIG DOG BAILEY....
His apartment just didn't work out, nor did the roommates, but he made the year on the lease and is now looking for new accomodations. I hope the new one has a better screen....

Five dogs is a lot.....

Five dogs is a lot.....
You have been one busy bee! Holy cow you have a lot going on. That rescue pug is a cutie. You should have driven him down to my house. I think we would get along :)
Well, Norman, I sure would have driven him right down if I had known you were looking for a cute brother!!! I thought the "mean one" said ONLY ONE DOG?????
I wish it would snow down here so the pugs could play in it...they've never been in snow! You've been busy!
What great fun!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle
you sure have been busy! we have snow too! looks to be about the same amount but it is melting a little today...Thank goodness...I hate the snow!
You've already got lots of snow, all the pugs look so cute.
Wow, that was certainly a good catch up post. You've tired mom out just reading about it.
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