I am happy to say that my new camera has been shipped. I ended up purchasing a Kodak EasyShare Z712IS 7.1 MP 12x Zoom. I tried the camera out at Target and after checking every Target in the county..none were in stock. I ended up ordering it online and am happy to report it should be here by Monday! Woohoo!!!! Photos again.
In other news my new "perfect tenant" fell through. Seems she got an opportunity to rent a house through the private school she works for. I can totally understand her doing so, but am SO bummed about the whole thing! I REALLY believed I was all set and was busy coordinating the rug cleaning, painting, etc. Now back to square one!!! BLAH!!!!! Honestly I am almost ready to take a breather and leave it empty for a month. I just REALLY wanted to have it all settled before our trip to the shore. Guess it just wasn't meant to be! I mean doesn't this kitchen call out to someone?????

Well, if I were single that kitchen would call out to me and I might just move up there and rent from you! Although, the thought of shoveling snow and all that stuff...I might rent six months out of the year! I hope you find the perfect tenant. Your new camera is great. 12x zoom is amazing. You'll be able to get some great closeups with that.
Well dont' worry Sandy..P takes care of the snow and the grass!
Yay! New camera! So sorry to hear about the tenant falling through. I'm sure the perfect tenant will come along any day now :)
I love those windows that open like that! I cant wait to see pictures with the new camera!
What a sweet looking little home! Sometimes you have to wait a little for the 'perfect tenant'. It'll come.
Sorry to hear the 'perfect tenant'fell though. We too love the kitchen windows.
Pugsley, Buster, Cricket and Daisy Mae
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