Meme from Blackbird...
Hot chocolate or eggnog? Hot chocolate - Eggnog is just wrong.
Does Santa wrap presents or just sit them under the tree? He wraps them so beautiful!
Colored lights on your tree/house or white? Colored lights on living room tree. White lights on dining room tree. Red and White lights on Pug tree, Colored lights on entry tree. White lights on house and garlands on porches, white candles in all the windows. (Are you sensing a decorating problem here?
When do you put up decorations? The weekend after Thanksgiving
What does your favorite Christmas meal include? Seafood Newburg
Favorite Christmas memory from childhood? Hmmm, so long ago! Going to my grandparents house (the one I live in now) and taking a horse drawn sleigh ride!
How and when did you learn the truth about Santa? I wanted to go upstairs in the unused third bedroom and my mom made a big deal out of it, so I snuck up there and saw all these bags and peeked in them! I was 8. I remember on Christmas morning opening my gifts and trying to act surprised.
Do you open a gift on Christmas Eve? Growing up we went to my dad's parents for a big Christmas Eve dinner and we opened our gifts from those grandparents, then after that we drove up the road to my great-aunt's house (on my mom's side) and my mom's parents and my great-grandparents and all my aunts and uncles and cousins were there and we opened lots of presents from everyone! Christmas morning was totally reserved for Santa. In my own house as an adult, we carry on the Christmas Eve dinner tradition. The family has dwindled sadly... Christmas Eve after everyone leaves we would let our kids open one gift. I'd usually have the one they opened be new PJ's!
How do you decorate your christmas tree? The living room tree has always been the hodgepodge tree. Kid's ornaments, ones hubby and I have collected. Colorful, store bought, homemade. I have boxed all but a couple of each child's to save for their own tree, so now the Living Room tree is Red and Gold balls, with my own colorful favorites. My dining room tree is white and we call it the angel tree. ALL the ornaments on the tree are some type of angel and either gold, white, or glass. My red tree is the Pug tree. All the ornaments are some type of Pug. I never put that tree away! The entry tree is red glass balls and birds. This year the birds are missing, as I packed them away and can't seem to locate them! I am taking a break from the angel tree this year. That tree reminds me most of my mom. She loved that tree and loved angels. A lot of the ornaments are ones that so remind me of her. I am having a sad time about missing her this year and decided not to add to my sadness of putting that tree up.
Snow! Love it or leave it? Well I love to shop with it snowing. It really sets the mood. I also love snow (light) on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day...after snows here until March, get the
Can you ice skate? Yes I can. I loved skating, but have found in recent years the falls hurt more!
Do you remember your favorite gift? Well, my engagement ring was certainly a nice one!
What's the most important thing about Christmas for you? Celebrating the birth of Jesus and renewed hope that the world can be a better place. I also love the music!
What is your favorite Christmas tradition? Giving presents.
What tops your tree? A large gold star, an angel, a small gold star.
What is your favorite christmas song? I'll be home for Christmas...