Sunday, August 22, 2010

Chloe speaks....

A couple of weeks ago dad was involved with his annual "fishing derby" what's a derby???? Anyhow, mom takes care of the trophies for the winners. She makes sure they are different each year and we can hear her grumbling in there about why don't they have Pug trophies..yada, yada, yada....

So mom decided I, the Big Kahuna, should be the winner. Afterall, I LOVE riding on the Pugboat, I love watching my dad fish, and I really can't help it that the pole keeps slipping out of my paws..... brought the fish back????? Mom does not like dad bringing the fish back!


Simply Pug said...

Tell your Dad: CONGRATS FOR THE FISHES! Yes! They do need pug trophies!!

Puglette said...

looks like fun! has kiki been on the boat? i didn't mind the fish coming home as long as he cleaned them before i saw them. and only good fish, please! no bony flounder or rock fish!

The Devil Dog said...

WHAT??? You're the award? Your mom is giving you AWAY? Say it ain't so!

Nice fish. Mom wouldn't want them either.


Sequoia & Petunia & Emma said...

Congrads!! But that fish is creepy hee hee!


Those Elgin Pugs said...

oooo's!! lots of Congrats 'cuz we's just found outs too yous wons 'da Calenders!! Yeah to 'da fishes and 'da pugs!!

IzZY, Josie and Anakin Man


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