Friday, August 06, 2010

It's been HOT here.....

come on fill this darn bottle up and let's get to camp!!


Sequoia & Petunia & Emma said...

You tell them Marty!

Brutus, Ellie, Pippa and Otto said...

It has been pretty darn hot here too! Hope you get that water bottle filled and you keep cool :)

Pugs & Kisses,

Yoda & Brutus

The Slimmer Pugs, Kitties, and Mama said...

Congrats on your new edition...Ms. Kiki!! She'll be one stylin' girl! I'm glad I get to see one of Sassy's grow up. She's just adorable...please blog when you get her. Love you pug clothes and your knit pugs.
-Mama #2 (The Slimmer Pugs)

Those Elgin Pugs said...

Oh Marty!! Give um whats for!! Sometimes our pawrents needs remindings... Ice cold water too... and some Icee cream while they ats it!! hee hees!!

Izzy, Josie and Anakin Man

Wanda said...

Aww, handsome boy! Hope he has a great weekend with his sisters!


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