Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Bloggy Meetup 2009 - Part 4

We got up early and headed out to Virginia Beach for a day of sun and surf! We really didn't have beach attire, but made the best of it....well, I really didn't have beach attire..... the day was glorious!
It seemed surreal to be sitting on the beach, hours from home, in October!

We walked up to the Fishing Pier, but didn't want to pay to just walk out....so we headed back to relax and wait for our "visitors"....

We connected with Sequoia & Petunia's mom by cell phone and she brought the girls to the to meet us. I tell you there is nothing like the mixture of sand and Pug hair and new friends! These two were so, so, cute! Petunia is so tiny! Sequoia....she was hilarious. She REALLY enjoyed herself on the beach! We heard this was their first visit! Sequoia relaxes.....

Petunia sits with her mom....

Clover's mom takes Sequoia for a jaunt by the surf. Her favorite thing seemed to be digging like crazy in the sand.


Sadly we left the beach, but we headed to meet Winston & Clemintine! Rachel had spent the day with us over the weekend, but we really wanted to meet the Pugs!!! Clemintine was hilarious! A little spitfire for certain! She jumped on and off the back of the sofa and that tongue! Gosh that tongue, she can pick the whole thing back in her mouth and then plop, out it comes again!

Winston is adorable....he has the softest fur. We hated to only be able to spend an hour visiting with them too!

A crazy little look before we left....

It is so different meeting the Pugs in person! You feel like you already know them from the blogs, but then meet them and they become "alive". They are ALL more adorable in person!!!!

We headed back to the condo, hoping to leave by 5pm for the drive home.....that just didn't happen! The three of us picked up, cleaned out the fridge and packed the car. We sadly left at 7pm!!! I drove the first 3 1/2 hours, but I was just exhausted, so C took over the driving. Clover's mom was co-pilot and on we continued. We got in at 5am. I woke my own Puggy gang so J could play with them for a bit. She went in for a quick nap and I visited with P. C had gone up to get a few hours sleep before class! We really took every last minute to enjoy ourselves. I drove J to the airport (sadly) and dropped her off and continued on to work.....gosh, was I tired!

Big thanks to my driving companions!!!! You two were the best!


Paula said...

Punchy: How nice to meet all of those puggys you blog with. Glad everyone had such a great time. Tired but surely worth the companionship!

C.l.o.v.e.r. said...

Great puggy pics!! Oh my goodness, I have terrible posture, don't I? I'm really sticking out my stomach in that pic with Sequoia. Oh well.
I can see the burn forming on my arms there!

You are so right about meeting the pugs in person - you really get to see their little personalities when you meet them. I love it!

Kelly said...

This whole trip sounds fabulous! I love that you got to meet Sequoia & Tuni AND Clemmie & Winston! I can imagine they are just the cutest!!

Sandy said...

Oh...looks like so much fun! What a drive you all had, too. and then going to work..oh my. That little Clementine's eyes look like my Chichi's. I love those BIG eyes. Pugs and their people are just the BEST.

Anonymous said...

A beach in october, how lucky!


Anonymous said...

yay!! We are finally going to upload our pictures and post about the meetup this week - so keep an eye out! We had so much fun having you guys over. I wish we could do it waaaay more often!

Sequoia & Petunia & Emma said...

Yeah the girls looked so cute. Clemmie's google eye picture is too funny! We had so much fun meeting all of you!

Unknown said...

You look like you're having so much fun!!! It's already too cold in Minnesota for bare fett! xoxo

Archie and Melissa said...

oh what a fabulous adventure!

thank you so much for taking the time to share it with us!


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