We woke up early Friday morning to set off for the trip. We look pretty wide awake considering how late we stayed up visiting.

A quick family photo of Chewie and Clover with their pawrents before we left.....

The drive started out dark and rainy.
J took lots of pics of the foggy, blurry mountains, bridges, towns, etc. As I was driving I didn't take any. I'm sure she and C are happy about that!
We arrived to our destination to sunshine and hot weather...woohoo!

We quickly got our condo keys and unpacked like crazy women. This is a pic of the enclosed porch area that was off the master bedroom and living room. I think I may have had time to sit out there for 5 minutes one day.....

After unpacking we went to the pool. C just can't believe her good fortune to be at a pool, in the sun, in the middle of October!

Warm as it was I took myself into the outdoor hottub. There was also an indoor pool and hottub, but it was way too nice to be inside!

About an hour after we got there
Girlville and
Norman's Woman arrived. I met them by the gate and drove with them to unpack and then we all went back to the pool to relax. Around 6 or so we headed over to TraderJoe's to pick up some stuff for dinner. We stayed up VERY late and still managed to get up VERY early.
Saturday morning we all piled into my car and headed to the outlet mall. I attempted photos to the backseat....

Everyone had a successful shopping trip....some MORE than others. Winston and Clemintine's mom,
Rachel met us there and then showed us a nice restaurant for a late lunch. I loved all the quotes around the restaurant walls....

After lunch we decided to continue and travel to the Williamsburg Winery. C was in the driver's seat.....

Road in.....

Rows of grapes.....

The group ready to go....

I think Girlville and C were going to start doing the "beer barrel polka"....

In the history room...everyone seems to be listening, except C!

Bottle collection...does anyone remember how many bottles were there???????

The premier wine tasting tour room. The people that do this tour pay more, but they get chocolate covered strawberries! No one had long enough arms to reach them.....

We got to take home our "tasting" glass. I wasn't too impressed with their wines. We have a lot of good wineries in NYS...guess I'm spoiled.

Rachel came back with us to the condo. She brought us delicious cookies from a recipe she got from Salinger's mom for Foodie Friday. Someone took a photo of them, apparently not me! We stayed up very late talking and laughing.
Tomarrow...Colonial Williamsburg.....aka not the place for those who hate history OR reading...right Tammy?????
That is so awesome!! :)
Are you a wine snob? lol Some are better then others.
I love hearing about the meetup and seeing the pictures. Everyone looks so good! Looks like a nice time and glad C got to enjoy hot weather in October!
How fun!
Looks like you have great weather though from the photos.
oh my gosh!
what a fun trip so far! great photos and stories!
i cannot wait for part 2!
Sounds like an awesome time Punchy. Was this #3?
I agree that the wine was blah. I love that photo of C at the pool. She looks so happy :)
Great recap!! I felt like I got to relive the experience. :)
I SO miss the heat and the pool!!! Today I was wearing mittens outside. :(
You seem to live such a fun life! I am jealous
I'm glad yall had a good time, love the back porch. Glad the weather was nice for yall too.
well that great weather has done up and LEFT us now! it's cold and we are wearing mittens too, J!
bottles in that room: i don't remember how many the guide said there were, but she saidone of those wine barrels would have filled them all up...
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