Thursday, March 20, 2008

P is for ........

Well, we know P is for pugs, but apparently at our house today we were going to have more fun. We got up early to drive C to work. Came downstairs and saw that for some reason said cat Buster had decided to P is for Pee all over the center of the dog's bed. Marty took one look and lifted his leg and did P is for Pee all over the side, so there. Then I looked over and saw that said cat, Buster had also done P is for Poop on the kitchen floor and Marty was trying to sample P is for Poop. I cleaned up both of the P's, washed the bed, cleaned the floor and thought to myself I'm pooped...sorry no pun intended.
From this point the day took on P is for Patient. After taking C to work, I shopped for an hour at a local store and then back to hang out at her work until she could leave. From there we went to the oral surgeon for the big wisdom teeth day. That is when C became P, the patient. I surely should have taped her, but she would have been p'd at instead I had a few really good laughs and took her home. Now really it didn't all happen this fast. We left home at 7:30am and came back at 1:30pm. After a chocolate milkshake, some P....yep P is for Pain Medication, off to bed she went so I could P as in Post!
The End......


kristie said...

i'm very impressed that C even went to work before surgery! i would have taken the whole day off. here's wishing you only good P's today!

Goodboy Norman Featherstone said...

LOL! That's so funny. It's like an episode of Sesame Street!

Sandy said...

Oh boy...letting the begin... I hope C is doing okay.

This morning I put my foot in P in my bed...little E for Emma p'd in the bed. She went out for a P and then got back up on the bed and P'd again on the bed. That made Sugar P on the floor in my room. Oh my goodness. Not good. Emma might get a bus ticket back to Jacksonville for bad behavior. Glad I'm not the only one dealing with P problems.

The Devil Dog said...

That is just too funny, like Robin Williams in Good Morning Vietnam doing the pc for the vp at the kp.
The second picture is really very funny. Mom loves the eyes.


Anonymous said...

ha that is really funny!!

Eryn with a Y said...

hmmm...did i find you on yahoo answers? and did you give me a link to your youtube video? if so, small world! i totally stumbled upon this site on my own lol!

Bella and Perogi said...

hahaha it's like the P domino effect, when 1 P's they all P. :)

Pam said...

I hope C is feeling better after the surgery!

Priscilla said...

Yea. P here too! The Frankster has to P on the boxes. Maya B needs to Poo on the upstairs landing. What the heck? Outside! Outside is good! Why on my carpet? Why?


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