I am calling this pic, "Pug through gate with lights". Heh, I'm a little bored here.

We have had some excitement this week....what? an entire shipment of Pup Corn????

Sorry, Chloe, this is for mama...

We have had some excitement this week....what? an entire shipment of Pup Corn????

Sorry, Chloe, this is for mama...

Thanks to RPM for the fun rug and sign. The new porch at camp is going to rock tropical!!!
and I also got our group shot framed from Lisa! It is on my desk where I can enjoy it!

Thursday's shopping did not turn out well. The weather and roads were horrible, so we had lunch at a local retaurant and went into a couple of nearby stores. I was gone a total of 2 1/2 hours and came home and slept for 3 hours!
Staying home all day is more fun with 2 hands. I spent almost all day yesterday fielding telephone calls. First a call to my SIL to thank her for the Get Well Flowers and chocolates, next a wonderful call from Norman' s woman. That was followed by a call to my BF, a call from my sister, another call with BF, another call with sister, call to aunt, call with step-dad, the Christmas Eve fiasco is finally ironed out and I felt like the life was sucked out of me!
Sidebar (or only read if you are bored and love others family drama): You all know I have just rekindled relationship with my mom's sister, after 7 years. Well, seems my sister, got caught up and decided it would be nice to do Christmas with them all again. My immediate family alone is 15 for dinner. I have always hosted Christmas Eve dinner and for the last 7 years we have carved out our own tradition. My aunt's family is also 15 strong...not impossible, but not something I was interested in doing. So my sister and aunt decided that my aunt will do "one last Christmas Eve"...gah. My dad says he does not want to go there, it is not his family (remember my parents divorced when I was 17), his girlfriend does not want to go there, and my step-dad is not invited, nor does he want to go there....so I solve the problem..sit down dinner 5pm Christmas Eve at my house, we can exchange our gifts, visit and then 8pm down to aunt's for visit. Whomever wants to go, goes. They know I am trying to keep the peace....yep that's me, one-handed peace-keeper. Christmas Day P and I will travel alone to his sister's for dinner. My kids have "other sides" to visit too. I understand and want them to not feel pressured to spend each day with us. That's how my mom was and it sure made life easier for me when my kids were little and MIL and FIL were still alive.
P took me to Dick's, Kohl's and Staples....I bought nothing. He was starved, so we stopped for late dinner. All I wanted to do was go home. My hand feels like a toothache. I am cranky! After dinner we stopped to pick up a few groceries. I'm sure you've all heard we are due for a blizzard. Woohoo!!!!

Sorry, the reporter got in the way, but along lake where we live "lake effect" it says 18+ inches and could be 2 feet or more! It is due to start later tonight and continue through Sunday night. My office party is tonight. C is taking me to get my hair washed , trimmed, and styled...thank goodness! Hopefully we will be home before it starts!
Thanks to Sandy I will be able to think of you too during our time at the lake I gat that same rug! Isn;t she so sweet... Hey That rug will look goos with your Pink chair you have there! I need to get one of them~
Sorry for all the Chaos you are dealing with for the Holiday..But it souns like your plan will make it easier on everyone.
Can you even believe we are getting more snow? we already have had 2 snow days from scool and it is only early December! we already have a foot of snow outdoors...I don't want anymore! our snow is supposed to start this afternoon into Monday Morning...this ought to be fun going to my Christmas Parties tonight and one tomorrow afternoon...UGH! Good thing for studded winter tires!
I'm so glad you like the sign and rug...I think it will look good with your pink chairs, too! I couldn't fit a cannister of Pupcorn into the box after I got the other stuff in there. I think you're right, it's no fun to be home when you can't use both hands...must make it difficult to do most anything. I don't know how you are managing without picking up pugs at some point. I hope you get to and from the Christmas party before the blizzard start. Hey if it weren't for family drama, there might not be any drama at all...wouldn't that be nice? I think your plan for Christmas even sounds very good! It would be sad to not have your loved ones around because they "weren't invited" or didn't want to be at the aunt's house anyway.
Wow, and I thought I knew family drama. Sounds like you are a true peace maker. Good for you. Hope the storm doesn't sink you. We still dont know what we are getting here in New Hampster. Thursday was pretty bad but it could have been worse. Hope your hand gets better That is a nice rug and sign.
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