We were so happy to be out of the car after our long drive! The hotel couldn't have been more welcoming. They had welcome bags for each room and cute little water bowls set out. Unfortunately no Pugs played the piano during our stay!
We were on the third floor, so the elevator became VERY normal to the Pugs!
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Third Floor Please! |
My bf had our room all decked out for my birthday!!!! It was amazing!!!! She absolutely rocks as a friend!!!
Flowers in the bathroom! |
Kiki and Stewie made themselves right at home on the bed! One thing...this wasn't the bed I was sleeping in! They decided to park themselves on my bf's bed every time they could, even at bedtime!
OMP! That looks like so much fun! I thinks I needs to get my Mommys to take me on a HOTEL type vacation. This PUG is no into camping anymore! Not after what I have JUST seen!
Love Noodles
You have a great BF...your pugs love her!
I love going to a hotel too!
So cool, none of us have ever stayed in a hotel
urban hounds
Another enjoyable post to read.......thanks for sharing.
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