Tuesday, July 20, 2010

wE stILL AiN't gOT No FRidgE

So the refrigerator passed away on July 9th. No services were held. The new fridge was ordered on July 12th.....with the horrifying delivery date of July 26th. We did NOT anticipate that it would be SO hard to live without a fridge. I mean our house was built in 1840...there were YEARS of no electricity and no fridge.

Rosie just can NOT believe the fridge is empty! Where are the carrots? Where are the green beans?

Never mind Rosie, after 5 fridgeless days Mom gave in and brought the small antique fridge home from the office.....

the BARE essentials are inside.....


Brutus, Ellie, Pippa and Otto said...

Wow!! Two weeks without a fridge?!! Hoping that it gets there sooner than expected!!

Pugs & Kisses,

Yoda & Brutus

Sequoia & Petunia & Emma said...

We couldn't make it one day we need green beans!

The Devil Dog said...

OMG I don't think mom and dad could survive without a fridge. We hope it gets there soon!

Roxy & Lucky

Mia said...

No fridge means no puggy pops!! Oh you poor things!!! We hope the new one gets there soon!!



Becky said...

Why is it taking so long? We got a new one like in 2 days from Sears. Are they having to put it together or something? Hope it gets there very soon!!

Sandy said...

I can't wait to see the new frige! I hope you have a cooler full of ice and drinks over there.

Those Elgin Pugs said...


Me ears!!

Well yous Mommy did quick thinking and we see yous carrots in 'dere!!
'Dats a good ting!!

I's don't know what I's do without me icee creams!!

'Dose fridge peeps better get 'deres soon!!

Oh 'da madness :0

Anakin Man

Stubby said...

OMD! Is the fridge coming to your house via a slow boat from China? Sheesh! You guys need to run away before you starve!

Stubby xoxo

Tweedles -- that's me said...

no carrot or green beans can make a puggy weak!
Holy smokies- you must wait that long for a fridgy! Not fair!

dw said...

That's a long time without a fridge!! I'm with Anakin - my ice cream!!!!!! Hope it comes soon!

Dana Orsborn said...

I don't think Daisy would be able to
wait that long for a fridge either.
That is a long time without
cold snacks. We hope your
new fridge arrives on

-Dana & Daisy

Kitty+Coco said...

I hear you sister!! We just got ours after waiting almost three weeks for ours to be fixed. Dang that repair-man. No cheese, no yogurts and no chicken broth on our food! We nearly starved.

Kitty and Coco


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