back, would they recognize the property?"
My grandparents purchased our property from the son of the original owner. He had inherited the house from his father and lived there until entering a nursing home in 1930. My own dad was born in the house and after I was born, I lived with my parents in the carriage house here on the property. I guess you could say our roots go long and strong here. Due to rezoning and growth in the town our house is actually considered by many to be "endangered". The belief is that the house was built in 1840, although the original structure it was based on could actually be much older. I try to imagine myself living here with no electricity and heating by wood and taking those STEEP stairs in a long, full dress!
These layouts of each property will be hung in our town library for permanent display.The committee person who researched our property with us - a long time resident also!
My dad and P
Congratulations. It is a complicated and delicate balancing act to conserve historical aspects and yet make a building useful for current uses.
Wow, that is so nice! I think it's so nice to have all the info researched because I bet the house will be there many more years. I hope it stays in your family!
That's awesome!!
wow! how very cool! i love reading about my neighborhood history. and i tried to imagine using your stairs in a hoop, major props to the ladies of that era.
WOW! Congrats! That is SO cool to have a house with history like that!
Ours was built by what are probably illegal aliens during the great housing rush of 2003.
Tell the Furkids how lucky they are to be living in such a great piece of local history!
S-Dog (and Laura)
Oh Punchy!!
That is sooooo cool!! I just LOVE old houses!!
Now the pugga's can be docents!!
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