A company my office does business with invited us to the RedWings game. These were primo tickets to the Power*Alley*Grill. It is right next to the bull pen, behind the outfield. It was great!

This is the grille area. I should have taken pics when we first got there. They had an outdoor bar set up with wine and beer. There were burgers, chicken, veggie burgers and hotdogs, grilled per request. There were salads, chips, water, soda, coffee and even cookies! P and I had a lot of fun and the team won both games of their double header.

This is the view from our seats looking toward the Kodak Office tower.

For Shannon....
Nice! Sounds like a super fun ball game!!
I just checked and it would just be a 4.5 hour drive for us to get to pugstock - when is the date?
That does sound like lots of fun!
Nice park! Dad likes to go to Sky Sox games (Rockies minor league), but he hasn't tried to see if dogs are allowed there yet.
Can you believe that? Geez...
That's nice to get those perks!
nice looking ballpark. yummy food you got to have to.
Wow! Vercy cool! I bet it was a blast.
FUN! Sounds like some yummy food too.
Wow, that looks like it would be a lot of fun. We are glad you had fun.
Roxy & Lucky
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