C wanted to carve Pumpkins, so we jumped in the car and headed out. First stop the cider mill not far from home. It was VERY crowded, small pumpkins, but we decided to get cider and donuts....

I'm not a big fan of donuts, but I have to say these were delicious!!!

We ended up getting nice pumpkins at another farm market. When we got home, we got ready.....

and set to work cleaning them out....

I was lucky, my pumpkin barely had any seeds or guck inside, so I finished up quickly. (I also just set to carving, I didn't outline an idea like P & C did). I may have also hurried since it was only 41 degrees outside and I was wanting to get INSIDE and have one of those donuts!
We finished up and put them in a nice visible place, which P insists makes them open targets to smashing!!!
Your pumpkins look great! I love ones with big stems.
they look great! That sounds like a nice project and a fun day going around gathering the pumpkins and eating donuts and cider. What do you mean you don't like donuts??? I thought you were my friend in cake crime??
Can you give us a close-up on C's fingernail polish there? It looks interesting.
Nice carving job!
Wow! Those pumpkins looc awesome! I got a pumpkin just for me you know? I love Halloween!
Sometimes donuts bother my acid reflux. I am very careful about what I eat like that....but these donuts YUMMY....and no trouble at all!
I'll try to get a bigger pic of the nail polish. It is like very dark purple/magenta..looks black.
i love the pumpkins! y'all did a great job. those doughnuts look yummie - what flavors were they?
Glazed, sugar, and plain. I tried them all! OH DEAR!!!
Wow great job on the pumpkins - very professional. I love donuts and those look really good.
They look awesome! I want one of those donuts. It's cold here today too! It got down into the 30's last night. We turned our heater on this morning. Phooey!
Norman, we are having the same cold weather???? Oh dear! We have not turned our heat on yet as the human son has his 100 gallon fish tank on the sun porch and mom refuses to "heat the darn outdoors". She did put the space heater in the kitchen last night because her feet were cold cooking dinner! Would the woman let you have some donut?????
Great pumpkins! I had a blast the other eve when my family was over to carve. The Geezer didn't take such terrific photos for me to show though.
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