Okay, let's talk about Marty to clarify his existence! First, yes, Marty is indeed Carlos. He is 7 1/2 years young. Although we know very little about his previous life, we do know he was with his last family for only 5 months. He is the Pug that I rescued and delivered to CNY Pug Rescue, the whole 184 mile journey thing. After I dropped him to them, I kept in contact with them about his placement. All the homes that had wanted an older male Pug were not interested in him. The second week he was there, a woman was going to adopt him, but she changed her mind the day before he was to go with her, so........ it was decided that he should come and live with us. I know weak moment, crazy in the head, the whole nine yards. Yes, four Pugs is a lot, but he deserves a forever home. He has adapted very well to living with us and the girls have adapted to him quite well too. There are the crazy moments, but that was true even before he arrived. He sleeps in a porta-crib in my bedroom at night and the girls get in the bed and everyone is just fine with that. He seems to be getting a little less clingy with me. Before, everytime I left the room he would sit by that door I went through and cry. Now I think he realizes that I will indeed be back. We've learned a few things about him in the past 2 1/2 weeks he has been with us.... he is wonderful with potty outside, he does NOT mark in the house, he runs in from potty like the devil is after him for a treat, he snores horrible, when he coughs he sounds like a human, he had bad breath, hates garbage trucks, and loves to play crazy with Rosie. He is home.
Yay! We are so thankful for people like YOU! We got your package last night I was so happy I cried - a happy cry! Thank you from the bottom of my pug-luvin' heart!
awwwwwww i was so hoping from that story before that you would take him home :) YAY YAY YAY, i'm sure 4 is zany, but he just seemed to belong from the min. you rescued him :) glad all is well, zany and crazy, what would life be without it?
Yahoooo!!! I'm so glad things are going well and that he is feeling at home with ya'll. Good for you for following your heart and bringing taking him in.
Yay, I am so glad that you gave us his story, as we were all so curious! Thank you for your wonderful heart and your love for pugs. Marty is a very handsome pug and is so blessed to have you and your family for his forever home!
Yeah! Congratulations!!! what a Wonderful early Christmas present!
Yeah! Congratulations!!! what a Wonderful early Christmas present!
OH, he's a sweet boy. I think it's so wonderful to get these rescue pugs and give them a home when you can. The people that passed him over don't know what they're missing. Four is a lot and a lot of vet bills, but they really just want to be in a forever home. I think I'll always have an old rescue pug from now on. I don't think I'll ever do four again but glad I have every single one of them right now.
Thank you very much for the stoy and for being so lovely and devoted to those creatures.......our beautiful pug kids
carla and jessie
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