Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Thankful November - Day 14

Today I give thanks to my dad.  He taught me that less is more.  To fix something before buying new or throwing out.  To give rather than receive.  To wake up singing and tell bad jokes!  To love cookies and to work hard!  My dad will be 78 and still works at his own business.  Thanks Dad!


Two French Bulldogs said...

What a nice tribute
Benny & Lily

stellaroselong said...

Oh that is very nice!! It brought tears to my moms eyes. That is a great picture.
stella rose

Sandy said...


Rae - Say It Aint So said...

what a sweet picture! and he sounds like a great dad!

Idaho PugRanch said...

This post made Mom a little teary.
Her dad has been gone now for 13 yrs and she misses him. The greatest gift he taught mom was unconditional love. He may not have always liked what his children did, but he always loved us unconditionally.

Bailey, Hazel, Greta & Mom


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