Monday, September 17, 2012

Showers of Happiness

Our beautiful bride!

Me & my baby girl!

Sure C, go ahead and explain what came in that box from VS!!!!!  Yeah, that's's a headband!

Wedding party beauties

and the winner is.....contestant number 4!
What a beautiful shower we had for C!!!!  She had a truly wonderful time and if how fast this day went is any indication of how fast the Wedding Day is going to go....drat....I want to enjoy every minute of family and friends joining us in celebration!  Let the countdown begin!


Sandy said...

Punchy, she is so pretty! I can't wait to see a picture of her in her dress. Looks like a fun day!

Two French Bulldogs said...

aahhh, what a fun time. Those showers are so much fun according to mom
Benny & Lily

Elgor82 said...

Oh what fun! The wedding is going to be awesome ... can't wait to see pictures!!!


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