Monday, December 21, 2009

Christmas Party SURPRISE

Friends from camp had a Christmas Party yesterday. We didn't know the entire guest list, but it seemed that our good friends that live downstate 4 hours seemed not to have been invited. P and I thought it was probably due to distance with the party being on a Sunday. Our friend T called and was upset about not being invited. I got mad at P and told him he shouldn't have said anything about where we were going. On our drive there (one hour) they called us and talked about shopping, etc. D, his wife got on the phone and was sort of short. I felt awful. We drove on and were greeted by this......we were the third of ten couples arriving, thankfully it was only a "slight" chimney fire in their lower level. Things were under control and guests continued to arrive.

I was chatting in the kitchen and when I looked across the room I saw T & D! Apparently the joke was on us. They HAD been invited and HAD made the 3 1/2 hour drive to the party. When they were on the phone with us, they were actually sitting having coffee not far from us. Those stinkers!

Here's a few of us "ladies" from camp.....
and some of the guys.....
I love this group!

We had a wonderful time!


Sandy said...

That was tricky!! It's always better to be honest...can you imagine if P had fibbed and then you got there and saw them?? Looks good and cold there.

kristie said...

that's hilarious! they got you GOOD.

Anonymous said...

haha oh no!! lol


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