cRaZY CaTS!!!
I love to sit and paint at camp and I always hear that I'm all about Pugs. So I started adding cats. I'm having a great time with these cat paintings and am incorporating Cats & Pugs in many of the things I'm working on. I've listed a few things in my etsy shop. I still have a bunch of completed canvas paintings to add, but probably won't have time for a few days.

So stay tuned for more Crazy Cats and Pugs....
Oh my goodness you are so talented. I would love to see more pug artwork as well. I love the cats!
Those are SO cute! LOVE.THEM!
Those look good!!
I LOVE the purs and snorts painting ;)
These are so great!! Can't wait to see what else you create this summer at camp ;)
Those are so cute!! You are a talented artist!
Hope you are having a good weekend at camp!
LOVE the cats & pugs work! This is a 'cats & pugs' house, and as of today, they all seem to be happy - like your paintings!
you are so talented!
FAB-U-LOUS!! I'd love to see your 'studio' at camp. Show us your workspace. I just can't imagine painting at camp. I need to much room and I imagine it is tricky with the puggies around.
Those are so cute!
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