Today's choice is the shirt and tie set I created after rescuing Marty. I had always dressed our girls, then along came Marty. Some of you know that I sell these shirt and tie sets in my Etsy shop (see sidebar). Several of you have purchased and enjoy these (or at least you say you do!).
I have sewn a simpler version of this set with only the collar and tie. It, along with holiday dresses are now in my shop! Pop over and check them out. I custome size everything for perfect fit!

Now I admit Marty looks handsome in his set, but here is Henry in his! Isn't he adorable???? Henry's mom found us while reading
Owned by Pugs she doesn't have her own blog yet, but hopefully will in the near future. Meantime she was nice enough to let me show Henry on my blog for you all to see.
Speaking of Owned by Pugs...C from there asked me to create an idea she had for costumes. She described what she wanted, emailed me measurements and then there were...
Linus, Lucy and Charlie Brown!!!
Check out her
Halloween Post to see more of this adorable group. C does a great job with her website and blog. Be sure to visit them!
BOL! Your so creative!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle
I echo Eduardo's sentiments! You're so creative!
Oh, I was drooling over your holiday dresses this morning. I added like half of them to my favorites list ;-P
those costumes are the best things ever. I have to start getting more creative with the puggies' dressings.
Ooh! I love your stuff - I so wish I had a boy pug to get the tie set for!
I will msg you soon on etsy about a Holiday dress for Clover!
They both look very handsome. I love the Peanuts outfits too, so cute.
i really like the tie sets the little ties are so cute!
OMG the Charlie Brown crew is awesome. The tie sets are very handsome. Next you need a tux! Wonder if Marty would wear it.
I have one of your ties here with Winston this week for his birthday! You do such good work on the clothes and ties.
We're catching up with blog reading this morning and mom almost fell over laughing at the Peanuts crew!!!!
Your page is waaaaaaay better than the Style Network!
Have a great weekend!
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