In other news:
1) The rental house is coming along. The basement and garage are all clean and nice. The bedroom painting is done and our son pulled out the old carpet and pad to get ready for the new installation next week. I still have to clean the bathroom (OMG how awful to clean after someone else) and the stove, and clean off the kitchen cabinets and touch them up with paint. A nice couple looked at it last night and really loved it. They did fill out an application and took along the lease to review. We're crossing fingers, toes, and paws at our house! Another single woman is coming over at 4pm. I keep wishing the couple would call, sign, and pay their deposit so I can be DONE for at least another year!!!
2) Blogger video worked pretty well. I did have to edit and shorten the video so it would upload without errors.
3) Pay it forward - If your one of my recipients, I will be getting those secret gifts out in the next week or so - I promise!!!!
Have a greet weekend everyone!!!!
I finally just came up with my Pay It Foward gift idea! I need to work on it this weekend. Cant wait to see what you're doing! Since Im on a budget of 2 cents, mine isnt tooo exciting.
I know....the Pay It Forward gift exchange has been stressing me out. I am still not totally excited about what I am doing, but I have already invested too much money into it to change my mind.
And the thought of cleaning someone else's bathroom......yuck! I hate cleaning my own bathroom. Hope the nice couple rents from you!
I'm glad the apartment is about finished and I hope the nice couple call you and rent it! It's amazing how your lake looks like the ocean! I imagine P was out real far in that picture because your zoom is so powerful. I can't wait to see what everyone is making for their projects!
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