Here is a little Puggy I know. His name is Otis. His mom is ill and has been thinking of finding him a new home for the past year. She calls me and we talk and I have know in the past that she was not ready to give him up. Last week she called to say she was going to go through with it and took him to the vet to get a "certificate of health" for whomever took him. Unfortunately, when the blood work was done it turns out he has diabetes! He is only 2 1/2 and she is devastated. She does not have the extra money to take care of him and now is panicing about finding him a home. She has been to my house and met my girls and knows my work with my Pug groups and Pug rescue. So far I have not had anyone jumping out of the woodwork to want this little guy! Anyone out there interested?
Here are his stats..
Neutered male
2 1/2 years old
Shots current
Trained for outside, but when they leave him in they put down papers too
25 pounds
Sweet guy!
He has not been regulated for his insulin yet. If I don't place him in the next week, I (and friends) are going to pay his vet bill to get his dosage determined. My heart is torn, but 4 would be a lot for us and the whole needle business - YIKES...I'm not much good at that.
Otis is a sweet lil guy, So sad his Momma is ill and cannot care for him any longer and to top it off he now has diabetes. So glad she got him to the vet and found he has diabetes. I would love to bring him in if I could. I have to give my daughter shots every night so I know the shot thing would not be an issue with me but I have so much money wrapped up with Willow's medical needs at this time. Too bad I would love to take Otis in.
I bet with your Pug Organization you will be able to find his a fantastic home.I think what you are doing by all getting together with your friends to help pay for his vet bills is wonderful. Where did your friend get him? if it was from a breeder they may take him back or know of a family?
I am going to post this on my adoption site - so hopefully we can continue to get the word out there.
thats so sad. Cute little boy though! Maybe a pug rescue group could help with the vet costs? I know down here the pug rescue does that kind of thing.
Otis is so cute! THanks for trying to find a home for him. I wish I were closer--I would take him in (and my husband would freak!). Keep us posted!
I would be very interested in little Otis. Our pug Toby passed away 1 year ago at age 11 and a half.He did have a lot of health issues. We miss him still. We were fortunate to find Lily our pug-terrier? cross. She was given up by her owner to NASAP a rescue organization.We live in St.Albert by Edmonton. It would be good to know how much it would cost to cover medical bills each month for Otis. He would definitely have a happy home with us.
Our vet tells us that the Insulin would cost between $30 and $60 per month. I guess they need bloodwork occasionally too to determine how things are going.
Adorable puggie. What a sweet little face. I am praying that you find a wonderful home for him.
Punchy - that Anonymous commenter (who said they muight be interested) emailed me as well and I mentioned to her that Edmonton, Alberta might be a little far from where you are to adopt. I just wanted to let you know that I do have her email address if you would like to contact her.
I sure hope Otis finds a permanent loving home soon.
I have a website in Toronto, Ontario Can called Torontopugs.com and it is now posted there. Maybe we can figure something out. I know of MANY people up here who are looking for Pugs...and MANY who have no problem dealing with health issues.
Poor little Otis. Have you tried contacting a pug rescue? They will take him and get him regulated before adopting him out.
Try contacting Buffalo Pug Rescue. They are at buffalopugs.org. I hope he finds a great home.
Did Otis find a new home yet?? He's so cute!
Where is Otis? I clicked on this link and am not sure which adoption agency he is at. I am in Calgary AB...if he is close to me, I would consider taking him. ?? Diabetes is not a big deal once all the meds/diet stuff is sorted out. But he needs someone who is committed to providing that extra care and understanding diabetes. Where is Otis???
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