Thursday, May 25, 2006


Okay, here is my addition to "rocks" for

We have a lot of rocks in our yard...lots. These rocks came from our camp along Lake Ontario so they are not native to our yard.

These rocks are actually part of the foundation of our house. When houses of our type were built, the owners collected rocks from around the property and "utilized" them. I sometimes think that we actually may live on a "rock farm" as everytime I dig a hole to plant something, I come upon a rock.

This rock is a mystery. This rock forms a window ledge for one of the windows in our house. All the other window ledges are formed granite. We were told this portion of our house was built first, so perhaps the original owner had sentimental attachment to this rock?????


Sandy said...

Punchbug, you sure do have a lot of interesting things around your house. So glad you are joining in on Show and Tell Thursday. You have to go over to Blackbird's and leave a comment that you have your picture up. I am so surprised that people collect rocks and move them different places even overseas. Amazing....

blackbird said...

I LOVE that sill!

thanks so much for playing!

Sarah Louise said...

very cool sill. I never thought about sills until today when "sight-seeing" we saw some polished granite sills.

Priscilla said...

I so love your pictures. I loved this show and tell.

Puggyspice said...

Cool windowsill! The rocks around your home are nice. I know what you mean about the "rock farm" because we are putting down tarp in a plantbed. Each time we try to fasten it, the staple is obstructed by a rock. Some of them are huge!


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