Monday, December 17, 2007

Snow day?

The schools are closed today, although I am not entirely sure why. The newspaper says we got 10 inches of snow in our town. Not sure where they measure, but lots more than that on our deck. I guess a lot of side roads were not cleared and slippery. I have not been out since Saturday evening, but hope to get out some today. I have my car, I have my keys, just can't drive that "stick-shift"....drat....

Not sure why but my hand has taken to swelling again today. I will be glad to get bandage off and stiches removed and get a chance to talk with doctor on Friday until then sitting peacefully with Pugs.....


Pam said...

I'm glad you are taking it easy. That sounds wonderful to sit at home with the furkids with snow outside. Cozy!

♥Lisa and The Pug Posse ♥ said...

can you even believe the snow we have already! we are going over tomorrow snowshoeing to shovel off our camper at the lake.. Do you have anyone that does that for you or does "P" do it?

Frances Louise said...

That's alot of snow you guys got. I know you can get stir crazy just sitting around in bed . . . still that sounds wonderful right about now!

kristie said...

if y'alls schools are closed there must be a LOT of snow!!! that's crazy.


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