Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Special Valentines.....

as part of the Valentine's Exchange we received some wonderful cards!!! I loved going to the mailbox every day and finding one or two to add to the display! It's going to be sad today not to receive any :(but I have to say the card I received that is near and dear to my heart was this one.....I think this pretty much says it all!


Those Elgin Pugs said...

Awwwww!!! Punchy~
Yous card from P is sooooo sweet!
Gave Momma goose bumps!

You two are adorables!!
'dat is a most special card!

We loved our card from yous too and we see yous got ours!!
It was fun!!

IzZY, Josie. TriXie and Anakin Man

Sandy said...

That's so sweet! I love seeing all those pug valentines. So much cuteness in the pug world!


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