So many years have passed since all this started. Chloe was at the beginning and everything came from that. I took my love of sewing and created for her and then it blossomed. More Pugs more sewing, but she reined.

Her photo and that dress I made her all those years ago became my shops logo.
Business cards, banner, tshirts - all from that. So many moons ago. I can't bring her back. I forge on. I want that enthusiasm again.
We want that old feeling to come back to you again, too.
We understand
Mum started my blog as a way of recording and remembering all the thingys I get up to. She wishes she had sumfinks as wonderful as your Chloe's shop logo to remember her Chloe (number one pup) by
Loves and licky kisses
Princess Leah xxx
Mom knows how you feel. Her hobby has always been the obedience training.
Since Greta has been gone she has lost her enthusiasm for it but she too forges on and hopes to get it back
Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel
Life moves on however memories forever etched in our hearts. You are a great pug Mommy. You do amazing work.
Life moves on however memories forever etched in our hearts. You're a great pug Mommy and do amazing work.
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