Those of you on fb have already heard that Zoey has 2 Mast Cell Tumors. We are leaving here shortly to take her in for surgery to remove them. When she got sick last month I took her to emergency clinic. While there I asked about a growth on her leg. They said not to worry about it. While there she had to have IV fluids. Later in the week I noticed a sore on her neck. The IV site must have bothered her and she scratched at it and made it a wound. So, I kept an eye on it, kept it clean and put antibiotic cream on it a couple of times a day. Laying in bed one night about 10 days ago, I was petting her and noticed a raised site. I thought the IV site was infected. Upon further investigation I found the second growth. We made our vet appt. and waited. Yesterday both growths were needle aspirated. The news not good. So, I guess if she hadn't gotten sick I may not have found the second growth for awhile. I am constantly reminded what the instructor told me when I took the Red Cross Course for animals...."you know your Pet best".
So, please be sure to check your little one's "skin". If you notice anything, have it checked. It could be nothing and you waste a bit of money. But, it could be SOMETHING and you could save their life!
Let's hope we are finding Zoey's in time, she does well with surgery, and has many, many, more happy years with us!
PS - Marty just celebrated 2 years of wellness from his Mast Cell Surgery in 2009!
Big puggy hugs to Zoey and YOU Punchy!!!
We're sure that sweetie Zoey will do just fine today, but give her some good luck butt scratches from us anyway!
S-Dog (and Laura)
Lincoln and I are saying puggy prayers right now for Zoey! And our mama totally agrees about knowing your pet the best. When Lincoln had to go to the Emergency Vet last week, the vet wanted to do all kinds of things to Lincoln that Mama knew would only upset him. She also knew that Lincoln felt fine after his stomach was pumped. And she was right. You know whether your dog is sick or not, good advice!
Minnie Moo
Oh no! Momma didn't tell me about this turn of events with Zoey. I have my paws crossed and am sending good vibes that the surgery goes well. I'm sure the doctors will get the bad tumors out and that Zoey will be good as new.
Sending prayers up for our Zoey girl today! We want those nasty tumors gone, clear margins, and a happy & healthy girl!!!
Hoping the best for Zoey and you! You are right - you do know your pet best and thank god you caught everything early!
Keeping my fingers crossed for Zoey and you.
Our prayers for a speedy recovery Zoey from your friends Shady, MA-kytah, and Abbey in Guam.
Thinking good thoughts for you, little Zoey!
Sending you lots of positive thoughts for Zoey and a few puggy hugs.
Sequoia Tuni and Jenn
Sending lots of healthy vibes Zoey's way and wishes for an easy recovery.
Sending good puggy vibes to you.
Sending good thoughts Zoey's way!!
Pugs & Kisses,
Yoda, Brutus & Ellie
Pug prayers for Zooey and all of you. Praying for clean margins and a speedy recovery.
Wishing really hard for little Zoey to come through this with flying colors.. Sending big hugs your way.
We will be keeping Zoey in our prayers. You re right the mama is our best advocate, she always knows what's best for us.
We are sending all of our best wishes Zoey's way. Mamas always know best.
Hang in there Zoey! You'll get those mast cells off ya SOON! We are keeping paws crossed for good results!
I know you must be running your hands over all the pugs now. I do that, too, to make sure nothing is going on. There are ticks here that can get on them so I'm checking pretty regular. I hope all goes well with her and whatever needs to be done.
Sending T's & P's to Zoey! =)
Sending some powerful prayers your way right now!
PS. Don't forget to ask for lots of treats when you feel better!
I'm telling you what..A Mother knows!! I don't know when people will start listening to us and taking us seriously. So so glad you caught it. Great job Mom!
I am here with my paws crossed and asking for puggy prayers too.
I saw this on Wilma's blog and I could not make a comment until today cause the puter was acting up.
I came runnung right now to say I am sending all my healing bubbles your way
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