Today marks the SewMamaSew Giveaway. If you've never participated before crafters host the give-away linked through SewMamaSew Blog. Everyone chooses what item(s) they are giving away and how they will pick the winners.
Instead of giving away a selected item, this time around I am giving away a $20 gift certificate to my shop. This way the winner can pick the item of their choice! Please visit my Etsy shop to look around. Leave a comment on this post to be entered. Tell me what you like in my shop, your favorite cookie, whatever! The winner will be chosen on December 17th at 6 p.m.
Instead of giving away a selected item, this time around I am giving away a $20 gift certificate to my shop. This way the winner can pick the item of their choice! Please visit my Etsy shop to look around. Leave a comment on this post to be entered. Tell me what you like in my shop, your favorite cookie, whatever! The winner will be chosen on December 17th at 6 p.m.
You can choose to use your certificate on any of my items, like this.....
or this....
Great giveaway! Your blog title and header made me laugh.
Oh Auntie Punchy,
I have been DYING for a pair of jammies from your shop! That is what I would pick!!!!!!
I love all the handpainted pugs!! They are so cute!! The one with the red back ground in my fav.
Thanks for the great giveaway!
YEAH! I love finding other dog lover crafting blogs. Im in love with your collar and tie set in your etsy shop. Both of my dogs are girls but I would love to gift it to one of our doggie friends.
Check out our blog at RhinestoneBeagle
I love all your stuff and your pug is adorable. My favorite "cookie" is our homemade peppermint patty!
Thank you and have a Merry Christmas!
My fav has got to be the collar & tie and cuffs - so cute! I love your header - can just imagine what the pug is thinking...
Awesome! I have some friends with pugs that would love your shop.
Awesome! I have a pet themed giveaway as well, at http://www.lindsaysews.com. lindsay.conner(at)gmail(dot)com
Your pug paintings are so cute! I love them!!! jinglesells at gmail dot com
Cute little bowties!
Please enter us! Oh boy, so many things to choose from.....
If we have to pick one, it would be a purty dress for the holidays! We love plaid. Great work. We will go by and check it out.
Kitty and Coco
I love the doggy pajamas.
Dec. 17th is my birthday, and that would be a fun present!
awesome blog title! I really love your pet portrait! Although putting my black cat in a bowtie might be adorable as well...
Okay, I'm loving those cute jammies! =D Adorable.
Bitsey needs those pjs- she is freezing in this unnatural cold weather we are having!
We love our Punchy dresses. But those jammies look so toasty and warm. Mom keep meaning to order some, but she has to order four sets! So a gift certificate would come in handy, hint hint! BOL!
I love everything you make! I really love those green reindeer pajamas!
Great idea! Thanks.
jmclean at mts dot net
Harry would look great in a bow tie!
Marlene's favorite item are the One Piece Holiday Flannel Pajamas! She would love to have them!
Hola Chicos!!!!
We just LOVE the Dresses, Pj's, and EVERYTHING you do!!
Happy Holidays
Spongy, Licky & Marcella
I love the doggie PJs. I have two little dogs one is a chihuahua the other chi/pom mix. I think my chihuahua would like the pajamas.
hahaha, my dog would love these :)
I love the doggie PJs. Those are really cute.
Thanks for the giveaway!
These are so cute! I love the pug pic at the top of your blog.
Hee! Your shop made me smile. Puggly pugs! If I won, I'd actually give the gift certificate to a friend of mine who rescues Pugs. Otherwise, I'd probably get an ornament or one of your puggly paintings!
Hahahah your stuff is WIN! I would love to have the red and white crochet dress. I also love your little model in the peppermint dress so cute! <3
Oh I love the bow ties!! :D
I am having a giveaway too!! Come check it out if you like. http://hendrixville.blogspot.com/
I like your last painted pug. My mom's neighbor has one that looks just like that.
oh man. One of my closest friends has a pug, hemi, and is obsessed. I love the little pug shirt and tie.
Thanks for the giveaway!
orinoco14 at yahoo dot com
I love the custom dress shirt and tie. I don't have a Pug but my Scottie would look pretty handsome in itQ
Ohhh I love the jammies! My boy, Booker would be MUCH too big for them, but my sister's teeny little doxie/pom cross would be too adorable in them.
hugs & happy holidays from ON, Canada
Handmade Crocheted Pug or Small Dog Dress - Christmas Sweater Dress is so adorable!
& my favourite cookie? Cranberry White Chocolate Macadamien. So good!
Thanks for the giveaway! I have two dogs: a poodle, and an English bulldog/full breed. I love them both so much & hope we win!
Love the bow ties.
I love the shirt and tie combo. And the jammies!
I like the Crazy Peeking Cat Handpainted on Wood. Very funny!
bridgestranslation at yahoo dot com
How cool is that??!!!!! I am a doggie person, so this is a wonderful giveaway, thanks!
Wow this is so nice, thank you!
lmr3683 at hotmail dot com
I love the cat paintings in your shop! The bowtie "collars" are cool too...but I would probably put one on my cat. We currently have something similar that he will tolerate wearing around the house.
Those ties are awesome! How original!!!
What a wonderful idea!
Nothing better than a handmade gift!
God bless you.
Kind regards from Germany.
I love your little paintings!!!
I'd love to have one of those bowtie collars for my little man!
Um, I wants to enter. My Mom has been seriously neglectings me lately. LuLu keeps getting new stuffs and I's having to wear the same old stuffs I's always hads.
Love, Harry Pugalicious
The bow ties are ingenious ....
xo Steph
Oh wow Mrs. Punchy!! Me's tinks alls yous stuff is soooo beauTfulls!!
Good ting 'da Daddy is not breafing down our shoulder bumps right nows... hu hu's
Him gets nervous when we's on esty's shops.. snorts
Okays.. Me's totally be greety little Mini Mastiff and wants to claim one of 'dem bow ties!! Me will look super hot stuffs for certain lady's!
Momma says for me's to say tanks for 'da wonderfuls fun contests!
We's off to visit 'da other linkys..
Anakin Man
i love your crazy peeking cat painting! i love your pug items, but the dogs would use it to choke the little one...
thank you for the giveaway!
happy holidays!
my little guy would look so cute in a tie and the little lady of the house would love a dress, OK so the truth is I would love to see them dressed, as for them, well lets say they have the Pom attitude and would rather go naked...Please enter my name in your lovely drawing
thank you
Bonnie in Florida, USA
I love all of the little dresses especially the happy birthday one- how sweet!
We don't have a dog, but my mom and sister do and they would crack up when they saw the bow tie! That's what I'd pick for sure!
I enjoyed all the puggy goodness on your blog! My rotten doxie would love a bow tie!
Your shop is great! One of my friends has pugs and works in pug rescue...this would be the PERFECT gift for her. The onsie makes me laugh so hard -- just adorable :)
I actually know someone who would LOVE that little tuxedo collar. She just got a tiny puppy that's supposed to stay small and she named him Antonio and was musing the other day how awesome it would be to have a little bow tie and white collar for him. *lol* How perfect ^_^
I like the black and white bow tie for our black and white English Springer Spaniel!
debgiro at wildblue dot net
My favorite cookie is Martha Stewarts all in one cookie.
Fun Give away.
I love the pjs in your shop!
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