Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Saturday Night with friends

On Saturday we were invited to another dinner with friends from camp. The hosts for this time live only 20 minutes from us. We started out with yummy horderves and wine. Then we sat down to our meal. C insists you take some of everything! She did also threaten that we had to eat seconds, but thankfully did not push that! Everything tasted so good. I always like eatting someone else's cooking, don't you?
After dinner we went bowling.....

Notice my great form?????We laughed so hard at one point I thought I'd have to go lay down!

After bowling, we had coffee and dessert. Homemade ice cream cake, double chocolate cake, AND cream puffs. Can you all say CALORIES??????
After dessert the guys played golf and then some baseball. It seemed like we looked at the clock and it was 8:30 and then looked again and it was 12:30! We were all invited to spend the night (one couple lived over an hour away), but because we had no one to check on our gang, we did not stay. They asked us to come back for breakfast, but by the time we got home it was after 1am and it was really hard to get moving on Sunday morning!
We did go to a new restaurant in town with my dad on Sunday and then afterwards I went on a walk with a friend. Not sure why we thought it was a good day for a walk. It ended up being 30 degrees and WINDY. We did our usual 4 mile jaunt and I when I got home I took a hot bath and relaxed on the couch. Hopefully I walked off all that eatting!


Pam said...

Oh I love playing bowling on the Wii. So fun!

That food looks so yummy.

Anonymous said...

Aw, that sounds like a fantastic weekend! Isn't that bowling hilarious? My mother in law was at our house doing it the other day with similar laughing until she had to lay down results.

We'll miss you guys while we're out of town this week, but I'll be praying hard for Marty and feel sure I'll be coming home to good news about him.

Leah said...

oooooo I love Wii!! We have Rock Band and played this weekend until 2 am (which is very late for me!).

We are thinking about Marty!!!

Sandy said...

Sounds like a great weekend. You look like a kid playing that Wii! Looks like you are throwing that bowling ball in the air. I don't have one so I know nothing....looks fun. You are so good to get out and walk that far in the c-o-l-d.

Clover said...

Hi Punchy!
GREAT bowling form!! Haha. The bowling is my favourite on Wii sports! Looks like you had a great night with your friends. Hope little Marty is still doing well.

Eduardo said...

OMD! That sounds like the funniest time ever!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle

Anonymous said...

Haha I love bowling! I haven't used my wii in ages and I broke out the wii fit two days ago.. I'm still sore!
Then I made the hubby bowl with me :)
It sounds like you had a great weekend!

Libby's Library said...

I'm full and sore, just from reading your post:)


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