Monday, January 30, 2012

A tale of loss and dogs and bananas......

Some of you know that about 3 years ago I started helping my sister out with one of her private duty nursing jobs.  It was 2 nights a week and was going to last "a few months or so".   Since I already had a full time job I was okay with the short term job of being out two nights a week for double duty.  Plus, the patient was my grammer school busdriver!  I mean really grammer school wasn't just yesterday for me or anything.  So both C and I took some hours.  The days passed by and a few months became several years!  The three of us became fast friends and then yesterday he died.  Everyone should be so blessed to have a great friendship that spans several generations.  Someone who just by you stopping by can make a smile appear or a smart remark..."oh gosh, you two again?".  But our strongest bond came from our love for dogs.  E had had many over his long life, his last a banana loving Golden, named Rusty, C who finally got her puppy during that time-frame and me...who over 3 years just kept adding more Pugs to my family.  E NEVER questioned that...NEVER.  He after all was the guy who fed his dog a banana every day at 2 p.m.  He's the same guy who one day didn't have a banana and tried cookies, crackers, dog treats...everything....and then drove to the store and bought that darn dog a banana.....

We'll miss you E, give Rusty a banana for us......

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Play along....

Where's Waldo?
Anyone guess who this little Puggie is?

Friday, January 27, 2012

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Monday, January 23, 2012

Can this be comfortable?

Rosie has decided Marty is a good pillow


Sunday, January 22, 2012

Yoga - Zoey style

What would we name this position?

Friday, January 20, 2012

Let us in!!!!

Stewie wants in

Rose and Zoey too!

We need to be ALL the way in, it's freezing!!!!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Keeping out the chill

Our house was built in 1840 and we've spent years figuring out how to keep out some of the chill. The door from the kitchen to the Summer Porch is ALWAYS chilly. In years past I've put foam insulation board and taped it all up with a cover....but then there always seems to be some reason I want to go out there and taking that up and down is a pain. Anyhow, my DIL previously worked for a furniture store. They used Earth friendly fabrics and as styles changed the employees got to take the fabric samples home. She knows my fabric addiction and gave me BAGS of these samples. Over the weekend, in between the tile project, I put some to good use for that darn doorway. I made a HUGE patchwork curtain. There is still insulation behind it, but the curtain holds it in place. Looks sort of funky, eh?

But I couldn't let it go there.  I made a pad for the bench too.  "Some" of the furry gang believe this is the best seat in the house.  With the radiator underneath and all!  P sets them up in front of the bench with blankets and beds, but the younger ones think sitting ON the bench is great too.  Kiki especially LOVES it up here.  This used to be her launch pad for browsing the kitchen table.  Now with the smaller table moved's just her private spot!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

MIA - long weekend project

This past weekend I finally dove into my kitchen tile project. A while back when our fridge broke, we couldn't find an almond replacement that would fit in the custom opening. We ended up going with black and got the stove at the same time. I knew then that I didn't want another over the stove mircrowave, so I held off on that purchase. Every time I looked at that almond microwave I said to P....we need to finish this!!! A couple of weeks ago we purchased the new fan/light and then realized....DUH...the tile doesn't cover the area where the microwave used to be! The tile was 25 years old and no where to be found....and of course I used the extra we had on a craft project! Double DUH. So we found a tile and waiting for the long weekend.
Saturday I took down the tile while P put in the new fan.  That tile took a couple of hours to remove without harming the walls.  I should have taken DURING photos, but holy crap, what a mess I was!

The Pugs tried to rest while all the noise was going on.  Seriously I have no idea how they slept at all. 

After it all came down I spackled the problem areas and cleaned up. 

Sunday morning bright and early I glued up the new tiles and then met C for lunch for a break!  On Monday I got up at 6 am and jumped into G-R-O-U-T.... gosh, I hate grouting......

Finally finished!!!  I LOVE the new fan/light and the way the glass tile turned out. P thinks I should hire myself out.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Heh, It's WInter!!!

Not sure about your area, but Winter has settled in on Upstate NY hard today! Gets me back in the mood for creating more pajamas! Pop over to my Etsy Shop for a visit!
Some happy customers!

Thursday, January 12, 2012


It was Kiki mom...really!
Please excuse the temporary delay on our contest.  We're busy chasing Kiki  the destroyer around the house.  Hopefully we'll be up and ready on Friday!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Stay tuned...

tomorrow we're kicking off a contest!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

work it Chloe, work it....

I tried to get Miss Chloe to participate in modeling for me this morning. For the life of me I could not get that girl to sit. Oh wait, she'd sit. She'd run in Kiki's crate and sit. She'd go under the bench and sit. But, that little Pug would NOT sit so her mama could get a nice picture of here. Maybe later we'll ask Zoey to help.....
look to the right......
look to the left......
Just do not look at mom.  Hope to get this and more Valentine stuff added to etsy pronto!

Monday, January 09, 2012 drive drive

Vinny with Uncle P
Saturday we headed off to meetup.  The drive about one hour there and one hour home.  P worked the door. 

Chloe hung out with her dad

Stewie took a breather too
Saturday night we headed out to my youngest SIL's birthday.  That is also about an hour drive there and home.  I could have gotten almost halfway to Indy!!! 
When I met P she was 9.  WOW!!!

Friday, January 06, 2012

You say it's your barkday.....take two! Rosie's turn!

New Year's Eve is Rosie's bday.  We broke out the hats and cake and burst into song, again. Watch the video if you dare!

Sing Rosie Sing!
The birthday girl shows off her new tshirt

Stewie still can't figure out the hat!

and neither can Kiki!

Shoot...even Zoey is having issues!

Thursday, January 05, 2012

You say it's your barkday?

When Stewie came to live with us from SEPRA his paperwork said his birthday was 12-21-09.  Since he was found roaming the streets, we're not sure if he told them his birthday or SEPRA picked his special day!  Nonetheless on 12-21 we started the celebration with him opening his gift.  Of course EVERYONE was very interested in the know it might have been something EDIBLE.

Then we took him on his "solo" trip to the bakery for his special treat

I can pick anything?????

hmmmmm, I'll take one pupcake and one cookie and a gelato......
 Then back home we went for the family party!
Chloe has years of party hat wearing experience!

Birthday Boy
Rosie sings her heart out
Marty is blind in one eye and going deaf, so we have no idea what he was up to!

Stewie?  Well even though he turned two, this was his 1st with us!

We love you Stewie!!!!  Party on little man, party on!

Wednesday, January 04, 2012

Winner Winner Chicken Dinner

Every Friday Modern Dog Magazine does  a little thing called Friday Freebies on Facebook...heh, say that three times fast!!!  Anyhow, week after week, I comment on those darn give-a-aways.  On December 16th one of the freebies was this batch of terrific gifts from NuttButtBakery!  HAHA  say that three times fast too!!!

My response to enter as to why I wanted to win was..."Wow, with a family of six Pugs we sure need this! Our newest rescue Stewie is always cold and the vest would be great...he could share the rest with his furry family".  and drum roll please...........  We won!!!  We were contacted from NuttButt as to the size and color choices we wanted later that same day and about 8 days later our package arrived.

Cute packaging!!!

Don't look now Stewie, but you have some buggy eyes behind you!

The moral of this post?  Keep entering those contests!!!!!

Monday, January 02, 2012

Sunday, January 01, 2012

Happy New Year!!! with a little 2011 reflection....

Before we dive (or fall) headfirst into 2012 we thought we'd take a quick peek at the journey that was 2011. We started out in January with lots of snow and cold weather. We spent most of the time trying to stay one step ahead of Kiki the Destroyer.....
In February I worked on organizing my craft room.....
and....Kiki kept destroying.....
In March the bakery opened. I added storefront items and on St. Patrick's Day we took Rosie and Zoey over to pick up some treats.  There we met Largo and his siblings and became fast friends!
In April Kiki continued to chew her way through the year.....
and sweet little Zoey took sick
In May we discovered Zoey had 2 Mast Cell Tumors and she had to have surgery with good results and
and C graduated from college!
In June we celebrated Kiki's 1st birthday at the bakery!  We made it a joint fundraiser for her rescue Kentuckiana Pug Rescue!
and we spent the weekends at our camp, enjoying campfires and friends.
In July Kiki, my bf and I traveled to Indiana to pick up her rescue Vinnie!
While there those Indy peeps put on a BIG party!!!!  Kiki got to see her Nanny Annie too!

In August we hung out on the Pugboat....
and then in September we drove and drove and drove and got our Stewie from SEPRA!!!!!
later in September we celebrated Vinnie's birthday and had visitors from Indiana!
In October C and I headed to North Carolina for our annual Bloggy Meetup.
In November P hauled "Fred" out of the barn to sell.......then decided to keep him.....
In December we partied and shopped and celebrated with our six pack of Pugs!!!! 
Goodbye 2011, thanks for sharing it with us!!!  Now let's rock out to 2012!!!!


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