Friday, January 29, 2010

I just want to keep them ALL

I so love the way these cuties turn out!! I have a couple on my etsy site and one is over on the GreenMtn Auction. Next up I may try my hand at cats!

Thursday, January 28, 2010


the ride home sucked......
My 20 minute trip took 50 minutes. I had no idea if I was on the road, I just followed the red tailights in front of me.
It is snowing and blowing so hard, but yet, I know we tough Northerners will all venture to work tomarrow!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Which of these seems the worst?

Overhead Garage Door left open for 5 hours while family away.

All lights left on in garage for 5 hours while family away.

Door from Garage to Family Room left unlocked while Garage Door left open for 5 hours while family away.

CANDLE LEFT BURNING in kitchen FOR 5 HOURS while Overhead Garage Door left open and Interior Door to house left open and all light left on.....

Just least the fire department would not have had to break in to put out the fire.......


Monday, January 25, 2010

Remember the Pug that didn't want to try sleeping in the cubby?

It appears she has decided she likes it.....VERY MUCH!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Iceberg dead ahead...

Saturday friends were due into town to join us in attending the Titanic Artifact Exhibit at the museum. We purchased advance sale tickets on Thursday....Saturday morning we got the call that they couldn't make it. C really wanted to go, so she took one ticket and my sister mentioned really wanting to go, so she took the other.

When you enter they give you a boarding pass with a name of a real person on the ship. At the end you can look and see if you "survived".C, myself, and P all sister did not. It was pretty amazing to see objects that were really aboard the ship. They say within 90 years the ship will disappear from the ocean floor...crazy!
After we finished the exhibit we took a quick look around the museum. They have done a lot of remodeling since the last time I was there...many years ago! Everything now needs to be so much more stimulating to keep people's interest.
Since we couldn't take pics in the Titanic Exhibit, P was worried I would be carted away if I took ANY in the museum. I took only these.......

This guy was BIG...see the guy in back too? These guys actually roamed the areas around our neighborhoods.
How about these little underwater guys? They really aren't under water....just STUFFED and hanging there, but they look pretty real. Honestly the stuffed things bothered me.

Anyhow, a different kind of day.
Oh, and when we got home....Titanic was on TV.....weird!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Auction Time

******don't click on the pic - see link below********************

GreenMtnPugRescue is hosting their online Silent Auction.
Click this link to take a peek: Winter Auction

See if there is anything on there you just can't live without! I donated a few items. I'm sure you can figure out which ones!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

All about the Pugs...

We had a dishwasher once. It never got the dishes as clean as I wanted, so eventually we took it out and in it's place went the dog crate. Now 7 years later the crate become a catch all spot. Sometimes you'd see one of the Pugs in there, or sometimes Rosie got PUT in there, but all in all not used very much. When I went to do Sunday's Pug run, I pulled the crate out. When I got back home I decided that the crate would remain out....and I put one of the dog beds in the spot. P said..."no one is going to go in there"...hmmmmmmm

Rosie contemplated the spot, and her bad luck not getting in there first.....
then Zoey headed under the kitchen table....and Marty sprawled in the bed....and Chloe pulled off the blanket and enjoyed that.....and Rosie? Ahhhh, she became the princess of the new spot! I added one of my Pug paintings to dress the place up. I have requested P make them a "Home Sweet Home" sign..... I still would sort of like a dishwasher......

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Sunday morning.....

Guess you know what I was up too?

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Thursday, January 07, 2010

My newest creation

I've taken some time off from sewing and painting and have been knitting. Isn't this little guy adorable???? Look at the little sweater, it is hooded!
I've got a few of them made. I have a couple made to donate for fundraising auctions and will be selling them also. Only problem....I'd like to keep everyone one I make!

Tuesday, January 05, 2010

A cookie?

You've got a cookie?

Monday, January 04, 2010

Is the long weekend REALLY over?????

Do I really have to go out in this???????? drive??????

while this goes on at home?????

"cat" trap.... blanket party....

Sunday, January 03, 2010

Another Meetup

Yesterday we traveled to meetup. P went along (actually drove) due to roads and weather. Honestly I need to decide it is better to be afraid while driving myself....or be afraid being the passenger with P's fearless driving????
Anyhow, January is usually a slow meetup month, so we knew we were just going to give the Pugs plenty of playtime. I baked a cake for Rosie and her sister that comes to meetup sometimes.
Olivia has some "issues" and doesn't always do well at multi dog things. Here she is with Rosie. She is an apricot Pug as you can notice.Here is P snuggling with a Puggle rescue that is looking for a home. She is one sweet thing for sure and looks more Pug than Beagle.
Our gang had a good time and as always needed to have a good long nap on the drive home.

Saturday, January 02, 2010

New Year's Eve Birthday

Rosie anxiously awaited the birthday song, so she could get her cake!After cake Zoey was too tired to wait for midnight..... so was Chloe.....
Somehow I was wide awake this year. I think it had something to do with NOT laying down on the sofa......

Friday, January 01, 2010

Happy New Year!!!!

Here's to good wishes for all to have a great year! May all your dreams come true!!!!!


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